Enrollment Consulting Services
Successful enrollment programs achieve results consistently and reliably. Achieving enrollment goals each year requires an accurate and realistic assessment of your enrollment management program and its strengths and weaknesses, an effective plan with the right strategies, and a talented, dedicated highly trained staff to execute the plan effectively.
Williams Consulting can help you evaluate your enrollment program and address any or all of your opportunities for greater success. The functions of a comprehensive enrollment program, regardless of your organizational structure, include;
- Institutional and market research
- Marketing and communication
- Recruiting and outreach
- Financial aid and scholarships
- Orientation
The functions supporting retention goals are even more complex and even less likely to be centralized under the chief enrollment officer. The formal structure for enrollment management can vary significantly from institution to institution. However you are organized, the structure of your enrollment program either supports or hinders effective plan implementation and the consistent achievement of goals.
Steps in Developing a Successful Enrollment Program
Annual Enrollment Planning Process
An effective enrollment plan includes clear and realistic goals, a relatively small number of key strategies that, if implemented effectively, account for most of your success, and detailed action plans that support the strategies and describe in detail:
- The tactics
- Measureable objectives
- Who is responsible
- The implementation timetable
- Budget required
- How you will measure progress and outcomes
Using our planning template, we facilitate the process that engages key members of the enrollment staff in a structured approach to developing a comprehensive enrollment plan. Typically, developing a comprehensive enrollment plan requires from four to six months to complete.
Download a complete description of our Annual Enrollment Planning Process
Developing the Enrollment Team
The success of the annual enrollment plan is entirely dependent on the effectiveness of its implementation – and that requires a talented, dedicated, and highly trained staff committed to carrying out the plan. Our ongoing training and development of professional enrollment staff focuses on three areas:
- Knowledge
- Skills
- Attitudes
Each member of the team must master the knowledge necessary for job success, possess and refine the specific skills needed to perform the job well, and maintain the attitudes and predispositions necessary for top performance. Ultimately, the enrollment staff must function as a high performing team in order for the enrollment program to succeed every year.
Download a complete description of our Staff Training and Development Services
Strategic Operational Analysis
For information on our Strategic Operational Analysis - the diagnostic component of our Successful Enrollment Program - please visit the Enrollment Assessment section of our site.
The Goal - A Successful Enrollment Program
While each enrollment program should define the criteria by which success will be measured, most colleges and universities would be pleased to have an enrollment program that achieves annual new and returning student enrollment goals consistently and reliably by enrolling students who succeed and graduate from the institution at high rates, and who go on to lead happy, productive lives and successful careers.
If you have concerns about enrolling the class you want and need, we’d like to talk with you. Together, we can design a service that meets your specific needs and ensures your continued enrollment health.
For more information about our services or to schedule a time to talk, please use our contact form or call us at (303) 902-7250. You can also email us at tom@williamscompany.net.